Paid Search and Pay Per Click Advertising
These days, Paid Search and Pay Per Click campaigns are essential to almost every company looking to generate new business. The value is two-dimensional. You’ll bring customers to your site who are ready to buy and, through analytics reporting, you’ll learn what information they need in order to buy from you.
Kent Communications is a certified Google Partner. We have 13 years of experience and ongoing training. We customize each Google Adwords campaigns to best fit our customers’ strengths, relevance, products and services. We do out homework. To get the most out of every campaign we conduct upfront research, employ comprehensive strategies, minimize wasted clicks and create Quality Score ads. To maximize budget we determine exactly which networks will provide the best returns. Finally, we analyze traffic and conversions whenever possible to build continued improvement.
Step by step we follow our own process to help our customers reach their goals:
Strategy and Message
- Identify your market, customer and competitors
- Determine the messake and calls to action you’re trying to convey. Consider what appeals to your customers to drive them to your business rather than your competition
- Determine your campaign goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Effective Targeting
- Identify the demographics of your target market.
- Determine if your campaign will include display and remarketing tactics
- Determine what interest groups your products and services appeal to most
- Develop “Personas” to connect with your market segments
Campaign Development
- Conduct basic Keyword Research
- Create enticing ad copy that highlights your product and service offers
- Confirm all display URLs and destination URLs
- Generat a list of negative keywords to deter the wrong type of clicks
- Determine and set your daily and monthly budget
Landing Page Development
- Landing pages are customized to campaign ad groups, message goals and KPIs
- We ensure consistent messaging between keywords and landing pages to generate a higher Quality Score
Measurement and Tracking
- Analytics tracking must be implemented
- Identify extra URL parameters you might need to add for tracking purposes
- Determine the ROI of remarketing efforts
- Test tracking