If You’re in Business … Literally, Get Your Video On

For successful learning and recall, experience is our best teacher. Experiences allow us to observe and combine our sensory capabilities, such as visual and emotional, with our mental capabilities such as sorting, association, memory and processing. It’s a natural, powerful system humans have done pretty well with over the past few million years. In fact, along with eating, drinking, breathing, sleeping, sex and binge watching videos, it’s probably one of the natural things we do best.

So, how do we as marketers exploit this information to manipulate the world?

(SFX) – The evil laugh!

We replicate experiences in the way that best resembles the real thing and that preferably requires little or no effort on the part of our target market. Our job is to get the ole ball rolling!

Target markets are like everyone else. They observe, absorb and learn best by experience. The following charts show us that video is the medium people prefer to replicate the first hand learning experience (outside of direct advice), what they prefer about video and how fast it’s growing. It’s helpful understand the “Top Drivers of Increased Video Usage” (Chart 1) can be applied to general objectives for websites as well.

All charts and reporting has occurred in the last 8 months.

For business in categories such as Home Improvement, Work From Home and Home Furnishings, the need for video would seem to be even greater as the “Stay Safe. Stay at Home.” trend continues and social gathering safety warnings and restrictions are still in place. (See charts #4 and #5 from Google Trends showing increase in searches over the past 12 months)

In a recent “Think With Google” article, Google also pointed out types of content where over the past six months viewing has increased dramatically on YouTube, including Mind and Body, Cooking and Gardening.

Learn How We Can Put Video To Work For Your Business

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Chart 1 (MarketingCharts.com)

Chart 2 (MarketingCharts.com)

Chart 3 (MarketingCharts.com)

Chart 4 (Google Trends)

Chart 5 (Google Trends)